Omet al contingut

Hispanic Muslim Architecture

Palacio de la Aljafería

[Spanish] La Aljafería de Zaragoza es uno de los pocos edificios hispanomusulmanes reutilizados tras la ocupación cristiana del territorio que se ha conservado, al menos parcialmente, hasta nuestros días. Este es un breve resumen de los usos y las sucesivas intervenciones llevadas a cabo durante la Edad Media.

Aljaferia Palace

[English] The Aljaferia Palace, in Zaragoza, is one of the few Hispanic Muslim buildings reused after the Christian occupation that has been preserved, at least partially, until nowadays. This is a brief summary of the Christian approach to the palace and the different works carried out during the Middle Ages.

Pintures de la Conquesta de Mallorca, Atac a la Ciutat de Mallorca

Hispanic Muslim Architecture in Book of Deeds

[English] This post studies the approach to Hispanic Muslim architectural heritage seized by Christian armies during the conquest of Al-Andalus. The processes of appropriation and assimilation became especially significant when symbolically relevant buildings such were involved and had a profound and far-reaching effect in James I’s reign and beyond.